Watch Out For Snakes Aluminum Sign (HIP Reflective)


Get Sturdy Watch Out for Snakes Signs

Occupational hazards may cause injuries and damages if workers are not aware. Using our general hazard signs, you can warn workers of hazards in the workplace and help keep them safe.

These caution snake signs feature 3M's "High Intensity" grade prismatic reflective materials for improved visual presentation.

Our General Hazard Signs are Long Lasting

You can use the signs for 10 years indoors and outdoors. These outdoor signs are durable for long-lasting service.

We offer digital print and lamination on the 'watch out for snakes' signs for vibrant and clear graphic display. Their 390 microns graphic thickness gives them longevity.

Disclaimer: All sign and banner content on is used for example purposes only. It is the sole responsibility of the purchaser to contact their local, city, or state government offices to obtain the legal requirements for all signs before having their signs printed.