Fire Extinguisher Instruction Warning Aluminum Sign (HIP Reflective)


Durable Fire Extinguisher Signs

During the event of a fire outbreak, information on how to use the diverse fire safety equipment is vital. Install our fire instruction signs in your local business to ensure accurate usage of equipment.

The thick and well-built aluminum fire extinguisher safety signs are corrosion resistant. Ensure signs remain in perfect shape for long.

Reflective Fire Instruction Signs

Engineer grade 3Ms high intensity prismatic reflective signs facilitate visibility at night. Ensure round-the-clock service with this sign.

The laminate on the fire extinguisher signs makes up a tough coat to prevent abrasion, scratches, and aging. It increases the lifespan of the sign, both indoors and out, by up to 10 years.

Disclaimer: All sign and banner content on is used for example purposes only. It is the sole responsibility of the purchaser to contact their local, city, or state government offices to obtain the legal requirements for any and all signs before having their signs printed.