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Halloween Inspired Advertising Solutions

We all know that the Winter holidays are a great time for retail stores but Halloween is also an ideal time for marketers to be imaginative and put a spin on different products or services to engage their potential customers. In fact, October is a prime marketing month with nearly 40% of consumers kicking off their holiday shopping.

  • Spook-tacular Store Window Display

The easiest and most cost-efficient way to advertise your Halloween sale is by setting up a Halloween display in your entryway or storefront window. This will catch the potential customer’s eye long enough for them to look inside. Be sure to display any Halloween essential items that you sell in your store – like tea lights, pumpkin carving kits, or costumes, along with pumpkins, hay bales, and other Halloween decorations. You’ll also want to display signage in your window informing customers of the details of your sale.

Create a fun and interactive scene at the front of your store  — a 300-pound pumpkin with your logo carved into for example, that passers-by will want to take a photo with and share on their social media. 

  • Playful prompts on Social Media

Social media advertisements are an oversaturated market, so this takes some creativity but as it’s ( for the most part ) a free way to advertise, we need to take advantage of it. A catchy Halloween hashtag, a photo of your staff dressed in a silly group Halloween costume, a silly Halloween pun, or your store’s spooky window display can all get your post shared to thousands of potential new customers.

While you have their attention, be sure to mention any Halloween items you’re selling or specials in your post! 

  • Spooky Printed Advertisement

Having a Halloween sale? Let customers know with a spooky custom banner that will highlight your store’s inventory. If you’re selling costumes, candy or other Halloween essentials, be sure to highlight that on your signage. If you’re a restaurant with Halloween specials or your shop is having a special event for Halloween you want to let potential customers know those details. A printed advertisement is a great way to give your customers all of that information in one place. 

Flyers printed with classic Halloween colors like bold black ink on neon orange paper is a simple design instantly tell passers-by that you have holiday specials. For a spookier look, a floor-length outdoor vinyl banner that has a creepy but silly zombie hand reaching through a hole towards one of your products will make for a silly and fun attraction that will be sure to catch your customer’s eyes.