Categories: BannersPromotions

Halloween is No Fun Without Banners

It’s the spookiest night of the year. No, not going to your in-laws’ for dinner. We’re talking about Halloween, people! All the monsters, ghosts, ghouls, and creatures of the night come out… to eat sweets. Who knew? You’d think they prefer human flesh. But no. No matter why you are gearing up to get into the whole Halloween experience, custom banners can raise your spooky game several notches.

Let ‘em Know You’ll Satisfy the Cravings of the Undead

Need to let people know you’ve got the scary goods? Custom print a banner to fit your store’s personality and inventory. You’ve got costumes? Great – have your banner inform customers to draw them in. Maybe you’re doing a sale on candy. Perhaps your store is Halloween central for party supplies. Or your pub is having a party with food and drink specials. Whatever your niche is, let the world know it is a big, bold graphic banner.

The Scarier the Story the Better

Every year during the month of October scary stories are one of the funniest traditions around. Humans are mesmerized by stories; they stick with us for a lifetime. If your school, local library, or playhouse is hosting some scary story events, let everyone know. The history of Halloween began with the scary story of Stingy Jack, so why not keep the tradition alive?

Feed the Wee Monsters

Not every house is open for business at Trick-or-Treat time. Some folks are still at work, some are out of town, and still, others humbug the whole thing and turn their lights off, lock the doors, and watch some TV. Let the little ones know they’re in from some treats – and maybe even some tricks too – with a custom fun announcement banner that puts them in the holiday spirit long before they come up the walk.

The Haunted House Meister

You’re the kind of family that loves to host the haunted house. You put a lot of work into turning your backyard into the scariest attraction it can be. You don’t charge a fee, you don’t pay – you do it because you love Halloween and you enjoy doing something for the kids. Nothing lets them know how much you enjoy the event – and how ready you are to scare them – then serving them notice: the fright-fest is on.


The Scariest Party on the Block

Every year someone has to host the Halloween party and this year it’s your turn. But does everyone know? More importantly, does everyone know how seriously you’ve taken this duty and the fun they are about to have? Let them know long before they come to the party central. 

Design yours here.