Peace at Last: How To Make the Most Out of your Meditation and Natural Oil Studio

There are many medical benefits of meditation and natural oil therapy. Meditation is a thousands-year-old practice that focuses on centering the mind and finding balance emotionally and physically while connecting yourself more directly with your life experiences. Aromatherapy has only recently started catching on in the US; now there is a myriad of companies selling essential oils & diffusers to take advantage of their healing benefits. Oils like lavender, originating from modern-day Iran, have been used for relaxation for centuries to wipe away stress so it’s no wonder that in our increasingly stressful world, meditation and natural oil studios would begin to flourish. To help continue the success of this thriving industry, we’ve put together some tips for increasing your bottom line.

Less is More

Even with all of your products on display, one marketing faux pas you don’t want to make is clutter. Keeping everything clean is imperative in any environment but in a spa-like atmosphere, not doing so sends the wrong message. Clutter blocks the flow of energy in your room and gives those trying to relax and connect with deeper consciousness angst, thereby obstructing their path. Even worse, it becomes associated with your brand. Even seemingly minor things like this can have a huge impact. Eastern philosophy is heavily influenced by minimalism. By practicing it in your everyday business life, you will be practicing what you preach.

Care for a Cause

Your customers want you to stand for something. If you don’t, many will either go to a place that does care about a cause or assume the worst about you. There are apps that will try to guess what you donate to persuade customers to pick a side for political reasons. You don’t want to be caught up in this, so it’s highly advised you pick something near and dear and make it your brand’s mission. One common idea in wellness is environmentalism. You are already building on the consciousness of this movement as you are a spa and natural oil store. The key is to pick something that you are passionate about. Have literature always available, start small and create your own easy to read pieces, and become both a community leader and a thought leader. 

Pop Up Creations

Some people don’t like shopping online for certain things because they will not know the feel of the product before purchasing. If you are online-only, think of marketing materials you can design and have manufactured at a relatively low price point that you can then either mail or give away in the neighborhood to use as a draw to get customers to visit your site and/or your brick and mortar locations. This is a great way to not only stand apart from your competition but to initiate genuine connections and conversations with members of your community. 

Play to your Advantages

With the current state of the country, wellness sales are trending upward. This obviously plays to your strengths. After all, you’re in the business of providing for people’s well-being and overall best interests. There’s more emphasis now more than ever on being healthy, and self-care is a major buzz word. So join in your community and establish meaningful connections. Give free clinics at local events or for local organizations and give away promotional items. Set up a booth at the local arts festivals. Over a free class on meditation or aromatherapy as an introduction to a class schedule for which you charge affordable tuition. Lastly, partner with like-minded businesses to begin the nascent stages of your own event. Look to grow it at a pace that fits everyone’s needs and desires. 

Get Outdoorsy

Being economical in letting people know you’re open and in business is easier than you might imagine. Outdoor advertising is highly effective and quite easily customizable. Choose color schemes for your location and your banners and marketing materials that are soothing, that say relaxation simply by being present. Olive tones, for instance, are wonderfully calming. Make them as large as you need to so that foot and road traffic get a feel for who you are whether they’re near or far. It’s a great way to make yourself relevant without spending too much or contributing to the white noise of media.