Categories: BannersPromotions

How to Design Compelling Print Ads in 2020

Coming up with a lot of money for advertising and marketing needn’t be an issue. While large businesses have extensive budgets for both, small businesses often struggle to allocate significant funds for these necessary functions. Finding the right design programs and support that allow you to DIY it is the solution. Anyone can design a compelling flyer, business card, sign or banner that will support their business or cause. Here are a few quick tips on how to do it.

Identify your Audience

Different designs appeal to different groups so the first step is to figure out what kind of background your core customers come from. That can mean their socioeconomic, cultural, or geographic background. In other words, do you have a niche that you can build upon when coming up with artwork for your business? The process of designing will be that much easier if you can answer this question. Some respond more to a hipster design, others react to creative font styles, and then there are some who like a design that is very straightforward. Come to this store because I have what you need is unequivocally, regardless of the audience, the message you need to send. It’s how to say it that is your job to figure out.

Figure Out Your Design Platform

While Adobe is heralded as the top platform for design programs, getting it on your computer is expensive. There is Microsoft Paint, but you do not want to look like a middle schooler made your storefront. Try Canva, an up-and-coming design tool that has everything from social media posts to newsletters to logo design. It can help you figure out what you really want and make your business pop at a cost that fits your budget.

Another nice part about Canva and other free design platforms is that you can make as many designs as you want (like Banners). The platform can also suggest what might look nice in person versus on social media. You can experiment with different colors, have them coordinate with the season, and go with a different vision every time you feel the need to come up with something new. It’s also really easy to print and size it as you wish to other products as the opportunity comes up. When you create yourself, the world is your oyster!

Read from the Design Pros

Figure out from your local library, bookstore, or from different blogs online as to what the dos and don’ts are for logo and everyday business design. There is a lot of fantastic, free advice out there on the internet. As a rule of thumb, though, these are a few of the no-nos:

  • Comic Sans
  • Really hard to read cursive font
  • Neon colors
  • Clashing prints
  • Clashing colors (red and purple, anybody?)

Of course, in some instances, you can break the rules, but only in a few and only if you are very clear how you’re breaking them and why. 

Be on the lookout for what really looks good on your store, and get a second opinion before getting it printed. Also keep in mind that some colors and designs look better on the screen than in print, so feel free to ask when printing what the colors will look like by asking for a test print.

Displaying your Masterpiece

Flags and banners provide your new design the most visibility, as they are proven to increase foot traffic as well as fundamentally provide a greater impact on motor vehicle traffic as well. Think about how your materials will look outside and where you should place them. You’re not limited to your storefront, particularly if you are located in a strip mall or other location that is far from the nearest street. Move them around as needed, create different sizes for different purposes and locations, and always look to maximize their impact.

Consider Stock Photos 

It’s understandable that for your tropical getaway store that is in the middle of nowhere, coming up with a picture of Jamaica that you took on your phone can be tricky. That’s why is a great avenue to pursue when inserting a photo on your advertisement. The pictures are cheap to purchase and after paying you can get a picture without the watermark to use as you like. The site is very versatile for different writing topics, so coming up with a picture for any advertisement is no longer an issue.