Categories: Business

The Write Stuff: How to Master the Art of Creating an About Us Page on Your Website With the Right Elements

If you’re a business looking to position your website at the top of your domain/industry, setting up an interesting “About Us” page is the first thing you need to think about. An “About Us” page is the page on your site that talks all about your business, what it does, your mission, and how you got started.

Although creating this page isn’t easy to master, it is possible once you understand its most important elements.

Define Your Unique Value Proposition

To be able to create a compelling About Us page, the first thing you need to do is find your brand’s unique selling proposition (USP). Your USP will form the spine of your content and allow you to build your About Us page around it. For instance, if your unique selling point is environment-friendly products, explain to readers why that’s important to your brand.

Create Your Mission Statement

Your Mission Statement incorporates several concepts: why your business exists, what makes it stand apart (USP), and is imbued with how your brand positively affects your customers. It can also include what geographical area you serve. Remember that your Mission Statement is outward facing, which means it is about THEM. A Vision Statement is inward facing, so it’s about YOU, aka your company’s goals (revenue leader, market expansion, etc.). 

By knowing your USP first, it will help you create your mission statement by anchoring it in your fundamental service or product offering(s). This puts you in the frame of mind of how you help your customers, which is the goal that drives your mission. 


Now that you have that all sussed out, it’s time to make sure you have a solid main page tagline. Think about the best taglines out there. A classic is Nike’s Just Do It. Think about how much information and emotion is packed into those 3 words and how it encapsulates the business as a whole. Nike isn’t just for professional athletes – it’s for everyone. From weekend warriors to the average Joe who walks to stay fit. It’s encouraging, supportive, and motivating. In short, it’s genius.

Now look at the emotional core of your business, that feeling and the products that drive your mission statement. Your tagline should, preferably in as few words as possible, capture the essence of your own Just Do It tagline. Taglines are hard so give yourself ample time to create. You will most likely go through hundreds before finding the right one. But once you do, it’s magic and can be used on all of your marketing materials such as custom banner stands, window signs, and brochures.

Taglines & About Us Header

Now that you’re sure your tagline is strong, you will use that concept to create the header on your About Us page. Take that tagline and make it more about what you do for your customers specifically. What power does your business put into the hands of your customers. Your mission statement can help you with this as well. Think of your About Us header as the dimpled, perfect offspring of your tagline and mission statement. 

Lead the Page with the Best Information

Start with your Mission Statement. You’re framing everything that comes after in a compelling way. If you decide to use the mission statement on your main page as some companies do, then your About Us page should build on the WHY of your mission statement. Expand on it.

Make sure to consider what’s most important to your prospective customers and let those facts shine prominently. Highlight key concepts in bold and use them as section headers or subheads. You can also use them as call-outs within the text.


Include your professional credentials, such as any awards you’ve received, or your licenses and overall brand experience. You could also include press mentions, customer reviews, or other user-generated content that show how you’re making a difference to your customers or your industry.

Include Various Forms of Media

One of the best ways to make your About Us page interesting to your audience is by considering the use of different forms of media. These include photos, timelines, infographics and most importantly, videos. A varied and dynamic design helps you capture the attention of your audience while still offering your visitors the key information they need. 

Also, keep in mind that the photos here don’t necessarily need to be of individual team members but can be anything substantial, such as photos of your team in action at a fundraising event next to banner stands promoting your business. This adds character to your brand. Likewise, videos are an excellent way of capturing attention while simultaneously entertaining. They can also help you get across a great deal of information as well as the feel of your brand in a much shorter, easily digestible format.

Include Concrete Numbers

When it comes to building trust and credibility among your audience, including concrete numbers on the About Us page is a great strategy, especially if you’re trying to highlight the progress your brand has made or offering a solution to a specific problem that your audience faces.

Including actual numbers and statistics on your About Us page lets the readers know about what your brand stands for and the impact you’ve created as a business. You can highlight all your milestones/achievements here or explain how you’re resolving specific industry issues.

Always Direct Customers Toward the Next Action

When creating an About Us page, it’s important to always direct customers towards the next action. For instance, what do you want your readers to do once they’ve finished reading? This is to ensure that you’re not just leaving them at the bottom of the page with no clarity on what to do next.

You can direct them by creating a specific call-to-action (CTA) that sends your visitors back to your business, asks them to download a brochure, signs them up for a newsletter, or simply gives them a contact form. The idea here is to keep your readers active and engaged with your brand by using the space wisely.