Categories: BannersDecalsSigns

5 Hints for Great School Banners to Keep Your Campus Buzzing

The start of this school year will look different than years past. The pandemic prompted many schools to make the difficult decision to close their doors and opt-in to remote learning. Now, as life slowly returns to normal, students, parents, teachers, and administrators are excited and anxious for the much-anticipated return to in-person learning. Communication is key to a safe, fun, and effective reopening. Signage can support your in-person learning goals and these research-backed hints will help you create great school banners that keep your campus buzzing. 

Refresh for Fall

Approximately 50 million students had their education disrupted last year as a result of the pandemic. However, most of America’s schools are expected to return to in-person learning for the fall 2021 semester. The upcoming school year presents challenges and opportunities for administrators and teachers alike. Thankfully, there is still time to plan a grand reopening that will give your students the support they need to make this school year a success.

You can take this opportunity to prepare for returning students and welcome students back to school with a pristine campus. Fresh paint, lawn care maintenance and signage updates will help your campus look brand new and get your students ready for the new year and the changes that follow. Make sure any equipment or structural repairs happen before the semester starts, so there are no additional delays to your students’ learning experience. 

The Signs of Progress

Approximately 73% of educational institutions believe signage is crucial for the future of communication. Modernizing your classroom signage will encourage your students to engage with their learning environment in new ways. Add QR codes to school banners that allow students to access their learning modules and school portals. Students will enjoy these new, convenient ways to incorporate online tools to their in-person learning experience.

If you are updating your school logo, changing class schedules, or amending school policies, make sure your signs and banners reflect these changes. Ordering your school banners now ensures these items have time to be designed and delivered before the start of the academic year so you can kick off the school year on the right foot. 

Safety First

If schools want to keep their doors open this year, it is crucial they follow the current Covid-19 safety guidelines and communicate their expectations to students and parents. Many parents have valid concerns about sending their children back to school. Schools can easily mitigate these fears if they show students and parents the steps they are taking to keep everyone safe. Simple strategies like sending email updates with reopening guidelines and adding safety signage to classrooms can put parents’ and students’ minds at ease.

The CDC recommends that educational institutions enforce masking and social distancing policies for in-person learning. There are several ways your campus can implement the center’s suggestions. Hand sanitizer dispensers, social distancing floor decals, and safety signs will encourage your students to follow these rules and support the health and safety of the entire student body and school staff. Many younger students do not meet the current age requirements for vaccination, so adding these visible safety features will give parents the confidence they need to send their students back to the classroom. 

Words of Encouragement

Students were not immune to the emotional toll of last year. A recent study conducted by the American Psychological Association revealed that 81% of teens were negatively impacted due to school closures. Moreover, 52% have less motivation to do schoolwork and 77% of their parents say the uncertainty around the 2020–2021 academic year causes them stress. There has never been a better time to invest in mood-boosting initiatives to show support of students, parents, and teachers. 

Printing words of encouragement on hallway and classroom banners is one of the best ways to generate positive buzz around campus this year. Place positive messages with bright colors at school entrances and use roadside banners to welcome students and parents in drop-off lines. You can add lawn ornaments like pinwheels and yard signs with smiley faces to give your students a cheery greeting. 

When designing your school banners, it is important to keep accessibility in mind. Make sure all of your students feel encouraged and supported with meaningful messages. Sight-impairned students will benefit from large-print signage that incorporates braille. Students with Autism benefit greatly from visual learning aids, but it is important that these students have signage with ASD-friendly design. If you need guidance on how to make your school banners accessible, hiring a graphic designer can help. 

Add Some School Spirit

School spirit is strongly correlated to student success. A Pew Research study concluded that 92% of principals agree that high school spirit is tied to high student achievement. The study also revealed that 89% of students with higher levels of school spirit are notably more apt to feel extremely connected to their school than 4% of students with low school spirit. 

Placing spirited school banners in the gym, cafeteria, and along the hallways and practice fields will help students feel right at home this year. You can use signage to promote class participation and faculty appreciation, like showcasing a teacher and student of the week, and celebrating athletic and academic accomplishments with custom banners. 

It is important to note that sign quality is just as important as content. Afterall, a FedEx survey shows that 68% of consumers believe a business’ signage reflects the quality of its products or services. This principle can easily be applied to schools too. Therefore, it is important to do your research and invest in high-quality signage that won’t fade or fray after a short amount of time. Thankfully, you can find high-quality school banners at an affordable price. 

Make 2021 A Banner Year

The new school year is a much-anticipated fresh start for students, teachers, and their families. The fall semester will be an adjustment period, as students reacclimate to in-person learning. Schools can, however, make this transition a breeze with some thoughtful communication tactics. Signage can be a powerful tool to get your message across, motivate students, and keep your campus safe. If you apply these tips to your school banners, you will keep your campus buzzing with excitement and promote health and student success. 



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